is a 2007 3DCG original video animation series based on the Sylvanian Families toy line by Epoch Co. It was produced by Kōji Kawaguchi and Yumiko Muriai, directed by Akira Takamura and the stories were written by Hiroko Odaka. The OVAs are animated by Dyna Method in cooperation with Itochu, Epoch, Nippon Columbia and Shogakukan and were released in June 20, 2007 on DVD. The OVA series is the third adaptation of the Sylvanian Families characters to animation. It is preceded by the American animated series ''Sylvanian Families'' (1987) and the British stop motion animation ''Stories of the Sylvanian Families'' (1988). ==Characters== *The Periwinkles (Rabbits) - Alex, Kate, Oliver, Rebecca, Jamie *The Walnuts (Squirrels) - Cedric, Yardley, Ralph, Saffron *The Macavities (Cats) - Alonzo, Rumpus, Asparagus *The Huckleberries (Dogs) - Hubert Alan, Dennis *The Chocolates (Rabbits) - Frasier, Freya *The Slydales (Foxes) - Slick, Buster, Scarlett *The Cottontails (Rabbits) - Gromwell, Willow *The Petites (Bears) - Piers *The Keats' (Cats) - Rosetti, Shelley 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Sylvanian Families (OVA series)」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク